On the eve of the expiry of my baby, I'm not sleeping. With baby moving in my belly, Braxton Hicks contractions spontaneously occurring (that often make me helpless as a beetle on the back waving his legs) and the enormous pressure in my pelvis, which takes me away from the toilet peeing just a thimble inconspicuous full every 15 minutes ... I reflect on the following top 10 tips for parents and pregnancy resources I received.
Pregnancy Tip 1:
Learning to loveYour belly: strangers on the street shouted: "Wow, you must be a WHOLESALE every day," when I was four months pregnant. After months of trying a twinge of panic every time I took a look at my reflection, I came on my stomach during pregnancy photo shoot my girlfriend gave me the love. The photographer was so favorable that I finally started seeing myself as others have done - a beautiful pregnant woman.
Parent Tip 2:
Beg and borrow maternity clothes: no matter howbad and how big some of the pieces seem to motherhood, all take. I really do not know how big and how comfortable they can be horrible panels might be later. Put your clothes before pregnancy, if cultivated by them, so do not always grieving the loss of your old wardrobe.
Parent Tip 3:
Let your maturity: Did you know that only 4% of children are born on their actual due date? Who knew! Once I discovered that it is normal for a child to comeany time by 37-42 weeks of pregnancy, I release all my due date and followed the scout motto "be prepared" (the window at any time during those five weeks).
Parent Tip 4:
Learn to enjoy your admiration of the public: Yes, foreigners are sometimes the belly as a public good and distribute a variety of opinions and advice. My husband helped me to start having fun with this new celebrity status. For example, after having angered by comments like: "You seem in anyAnd 'now! "My husband suggested I say things like," Yup, any minute! "Or even a joke:" Can you believe I am not due for another 8 months?! "The fact of the matter is that many people actually means - this milestone in your life brings good memories for them.
Pregnancy tip 5:
Find a health professional that you love: the highs and lows of pregnancy require special support and pregnancy resources. Find someone who welcomes your questions, puts your fears to rest and supportpossible with the best pregnancy and childbirth. For myself, I found this support in my midwife, I make the hour-long session and even home visits. Also, once I found my statistics on midwives caesareans, episiotomies and use pliers, I was hooked! Other friends we took a doula (birth coach), or had a doctor who loved him, and we were thrilled with the care they received.
Parent Tip 6:
Listen and learn to trust your body: the dedication to my desire (turkey sandwichesCranberry sauce and chocolate ice cream), the need for more sleep (sometimes I just want to sit down to rest and suddenly wake up two hours later!) And it was nice to me and through me.
Also, reading books like The Parental Guidance friends ... (For the humor and practicality) to the fabulous books hardcore as midwife Ina May's Guide to Pregnancy (my favorite) helped me learn to trust my body more than ever. These books (another good one was a labor ofInside) have helped solve many of my fears, as I learned things like no matter how big your baby is, babies heads are mostly doing the same size and nature, the trip across the channel delivery.
Parent Tip 7:
Find other pregnant women and hang out with them, my prenatal exercise a real blessing pregnancy resource. It is not just fitness, but I found a sense of belonging, where I could really let my belly hang with the best of them.Every time I pity (as in a particularly bad day) I started to find another pregnant woman who had lived a most difficult situation (like kidney stones or painful hemorrhoids!), Or a real Trouper class was going to say something that lifted my spirit. Also, finding other pregnant women do not have to save my pregnant friends to hear the trouble to inform me of any play-by-play of my pregnancy - which probably saved a couple of my friends. ;-)
Parent Tip 8:
SpendMoney only on things that make a real difference child and borrow the rest or buy a second hand Children do not worry about flakes of paint and furniture, the proximity to the source of milk - you! The fact that they grow quickly from any clothes helped my priorities in order. So we treated ourselves to the important things for me: the stroller (as I am a huge watch Walker), a safety seat (for obvious reasons) and a rocker / glider (once I realized that I could be power up to12 hours a day for the first six weeks).
The rest is borrowed or purchased used, and we are blessed with a coin! Since we have so many great deals from places like eBay, and go to 'mothers of multiples' local sales I saved enough to kill themselves for extra cleaning hours, and a special service during meals in the first three months of our son.
Parent Tip 9:
"Morning sickness" can happen at any time: Morning sickness can happen at any time of day, allDay or not. Fortunately not often, it can also be crawling the second and third trimesters, as it did with me.
Parent Tip 10:
Each of the experience of pregnancy is different, so take what is useful and ignore the rest: the experiences of so many people to give advice. What I observed is that pregnancy for most is the great equalizer - if you do not get what is probably get something on the other end. Fortunately, whatever our pregnancyExperience can be, most of us end with a little bundle of joy is the journey that the whole effort worthwhile.
I'm going to bed with my husband is asleep and my five pillows, to join prop my belly full, plump breasts and my weary head. When I go to sleep, I go with gratitude in my heart, knowing that soon we will add a nice welcome again to our little family. This is truly the greatest miracle of all education.